
Aus PolitPlag
Version vom 16. Mai 2016, 14:20 Uhr von (Diskussion) (I've lost my bank card <a href=" ">levitra professional 40 mg </a> A group of 25 Myanmar parliamentarians visited Singapore inMay to look at the city-state)
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I've lost my bank card <a href=" ">levitra professional 40 mg </a> A group of 25 Myanmar parliamentarians visited Singapore inMay to look at the city-state's governance model, which has wona reputation for efficiency and zero-tolerance for corruption,albeit with a strong authoritarian streak.

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</a> The debate opens amid ebbing political enthusiasm forbanking union - originally planned as a three-stage processinvolving ECB bank supervision, alongside an agency to shutfailing banks and a system of deposit guarantees. It would bethe boldest step in European integration since the crisis.