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Aus PolitPlag
Version vom 16. April 2017, 15:00 Uhr von (Diskussion) (I'm sorry, he's http://www.hungryhuntersteakhouse.com/mxman.pdf#accompanying mxmania download Vigils were held on Sunday in honor of two workers who werestruck and killed by a train as they checked)
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I'll put him on http://www.batogtilhengerservice.no/yasminelle-precio.pdf art yasmina reza lire . Why is Imran in 'radio-silence' on 'anti terrorism policy' 'right now' when the government is trying to initiate one ... . He sure would start talking about it when he won't have to commit on it but be able to put blame on 'everybody else' and talk big -- it's a pattern ... . It does not matter whether he is clean or not -- he is leading Pakistan to destruction for getting into power -- he's a CROOK ... . He is a 'BlueTongue Lizard' ... .

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 This reminds me of the Air France Airbus crash out of Brazil. Because the elevator/aeleron control on an Airbus is no longer a big interconnected ‘yoke’ right in front of both pilots, but are two little NOT-interconnected side handles, the pilot not flying the plane failed to notice that the pilot flying the plane had the handle right back, nose-up position, even when the plane HAD stalled, due to incompetence/fear/panic/ etc. With a yoke, the non flying pilot would either have shoved the yolk forward immediately the stall warning sounded, and taken command, or told the other pilot to do so. Innovation not always a good thing, eh?
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